This mesmerizing animation features a dynamic circular burst of fiery particles swirling around an empty center, creating a captivating ring effect with intense energy. The particles emit a warm, red-orange glow, reminiscent of embers or sparks in a fire. This stock footage is ideal for projects that require a powerful, energetic visual element, such as action movie titles, game intros, or dynamic presentations. The dark background accentuates the fiery particles, making them stand out vibrantly and creating a strong contrast that’s visually impactful.
This asset is fully compatible with major video editing software, including Adobe After Effects, Premiere Pro, DaVinci Resolve, and Edius 11 Pro. Encoded in H.265, this video clip provides a high-quality visual experience with optimized file size, while the 25 fps frame rate ensures smooth playback for cinematic use. Perfect for users looking to add a dramatic particle effect to enhance intros, transitions, or creative motion graphic projects.
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Nov 12, 2024 02:15 PM
Alpha Channel:
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Full HDVideo Encoding:
H.265File Type: