This enchanting animation presents glowing pink hearts gracefully floating and fading over a shimmering, glitter-filled purple background. The elegant interplay of vibrant pink hearts and sparkling particles creates a dreamy, romantic ambiance, making it ideal for Valentine's Day greetings, wedding videos, or romantic social media content.
The animation's magical and soft aesthetic is versatile for a wide range of applications, from heartfelt messages and celebratory visuals to elegant branding and promotional campaigns. The dynamic motion of the hearts, combined with the twinkling glitter effect, ensures an engaging and captivating visual experience.
Optimized for professional video editors such as Adobe After Effects, Premiere Pro, DaVinci Resolve, and Edius 11 Pro, this animation is encoded in the advanced H.265 codec for superior video quality and seamless playback. The 25 fps frame rate guarantees smooth transitions and fluid motion across all media platforms.
Whether you are designing romantic content, planning festive events, or crafting love-themed stories, this floating pink hearts animation with a sparkling purple background will bring warmth and elegance to your creative projects.
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Dec 27, 2024 09:19 AM
Alpha Channel:
NoLooped Video:
NoFame Rate:
1920x1080 pxVideo Encoding:
H.264File Type: