This stock video features a mesmerizing animation of interconnected glowing lines and dots, forming a pattern reminiscent of a futuristic circuit board or digital network. The neon green and yellow hues create a dynamic, high-tech aesthetic that represents themes of innovation, data flow, and digital connectivity. The smooth, flowing motion of the lines evokes ideas of speed, modernity, and the interconnectedness of systems, making it perfect for tech-related projects.
This visually striking footage can be used in a variety of contexts, from technology presentations and software demonstrations to science fiction films and gaming interfaces. The clean, futuristic design makes it an ideal backdrop for creative projects that need to communicate a sense of innovation and advanced technology.
Compatible with After Effects, Premiere Pro, DaVinci Resolve, and Edius 11 Pro, this animation provides seamless integration into your video projects. Its high resolution and fluid motion will add a professional and polished look to your content.
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Oct 01, 2024 03:51 PM
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3600x2160 pxVideo Encoding: