This visually captivating animation showcases a brilliant energy orb at the center, radiating intense white light surrounded by ethereal particle swirls. The luminous particles move in soft, organic patterns around the core, creating a mystical and otherworldly effect. The vibrant purple background enhances the glowing aura, making it ideal for projects requiring a magical or sci-fi touch, such as movie scenes, sci-fi trailers, fantasy intros, or creative presentations.
Compatible with popular editing platforms like Adobe After Effects, Premiere Pro, DaVinci Resolve, and Edius 11 Pro, this animation offers seamless integration for various projects. The H.265 codec ensures optimal quality with a reduced file size, and the 25 fps frame rate provides smooth animation for cinematic results. This high-quality stock footage is perfect for adding a mystical energy source or magical orb effect to any video project.
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Nov 12, 2024 02:16 PM
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Full HDVideo Encoding:
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