This stunning animation showcases a glowing purple heart formed by sparkling, dynamic particles, set against a sleek black background. The vibrant heart emits a radiant glow, creating a magical and captivating visual effect. The shimmering particle animation adds depth and elegance, making it perfect for romantic, celebratory, and enchanting video projects.
Ideal for Valentine's Day content, wedding visuals, event promotions, or heartfelt greetings, this animation can also be seamlessly incorporated into music videos, branding intros, or social media campaigns. The glowing effect paired with the particle motion adds a touch of sophistication and energy, ensuring it stands out in any project.
Encoded with the latest H.265 codec for exceptional video quality and optimized for professional editing software like Adobe After Effects, Premiere Pro, DaVinci Resolve, and Edius 11 Pro, this video is designed for smooth integration and playback. The frame rate of 25 fps ensures fluid motion, suitable for all modern platforms and media applications.
Whether you're creating a romantic story, celebrating a special occasion, or producing visually captivating digital content, this glowing purple heart animation offers a perfect blend of elegance and magic.
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Dec 27, 2024 08:58 AM
Alpha Channel:
NoLooped Video:
NoFame Rate:
1920x1080 pxVideo Encoding:
H.264File Type: