This animated motion graphic features a mesmerizing golden silhouette of Lord Ganesha, intricately designed to captivate and inspire. Rendered on a black background, the animation includes an alpha channel for seamless integration into any creative project. Perfect for spiritual videos, religious event promotions, or cultural celebrations, the animation reflects grace and spirituality with its modern artistic touch.
This motion graphic is compatible with popular video editing platforms such as Adobe After Effects, Premiere Pro, Davinci Resolve, and Edius Pro 11. Its alpha channel ensures easy compositing for intros, outros, or overlays in your projects. The clean and detailed design highlights traditional aesthetics while offering high-quality rendering.
Key Features:
Potential Applications:
Dec 31, 2024 12:22 PM
Alpha Channel:
YesLooped Video:
NoFame Rate:
1920x1080 pxVideo Encoding:
H.264File Type: