This enchanting animation showcases delicate golden roses gracefully descending amidst festive sparkles and glowing particles on a warm, golden-brown background. The gentle fall of rose petals, accompanied by sparkling light effects, creates a luxurious and celebratory atmosphere perfect for high-end events, weddings, and festive greetings. The warm tones enhance the feeling of elegance, making this animation ideal for traditional ceremonies, holiday videos, and romantic celebrations.
Optimized with H.265 codec at 25 FPS, this animation ensures smooth and crisp playback across various platforms, compatible with Adobe After Effects, Premiere Pro, DaVinci Resolve, and more. Its radiant visuals make it versatile for applications in event backdrops, social media content, or promotional materials, where themes of beauty, romance, and celebration are central.
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Oct 26, 2024 11:05 AM
Alpha Channel:
NoLooped Video:
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1920x1080 pxVideo Encoding:
H.265File Type: