Edius 11 Marathi Wedding Title Project is a special template created for the Marathi wedding theme, it is designed with an exquisite Lord Ganpati animation that has intricate gold designs that represent blessings and new beginnings. The project comes with arrangements of rosy pastel flowers like rose and white which add to the aesthetic feature of the design. The accentuation of particles of light is subtle and the softly glowing background gives off a calm and sophisticated feeling making it ideal for wedding video clips.
An Edius 11 Pro project begins with a centre Ganpati logo and the phrase “|| श्री गणेशाय नमः ||” in Devanagari Sanskrit surrounded with sparkling gold adorning it. The design also has other distinct features and placements making it possible for customisation and easy text editing. The visuals in the composition alone make the introduction memorable and able to capture the heart of a Marathi wedding without trouble.
This template is well suited for video editors, wedding filmmakers, and any other creator who is trying to obtain a modern yet traditional look for their Marathi wedding videos.
Fully compatible with Grass valley Edius 11 Pro , Edius x, and other versions.
Jan 08, 2025 02:27 PM
Software Version:
EDIUS 11 PROFiles Included:
edius projectUse Case: