Celebrate the festive spirit of kite flying with this minimalist animation background, featuring colorful kites and spools of thread suspended elegantly against a clean white backdrop. The design is simple yet captivating, focusing on the essence of the Kite Festival without overwhelming visuals. The vibrant colors of the kites – red, purple, green, and pink – reflect the energy and excitement of traditional kite flying events, making this motion graphic a perfect addition to your creative projects.
This background is highly versatile and suitable for use in various video editing platforms, including Adobe After Effects, Premiere Pro, DaVinci Resolve, and Edius 11 Pro. With its H.264 codec and smooth 25 FPS frame rate, this animation offers exceptional quality and seamless playback for both personal and professional applications. Its clean, minimalist design makes it perfect for overlaying text or additional graphics without distraction.
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Dec 27, 2024 02:53 PM
Alpha Channel:
NoLooped Video:
NoFame Rate:
1920x1080 pxVideo Encoding:
H.264File Type: