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Stunning Fried Chicken Biryani Photoshop Template

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Boost your food branding using these templates for Photoshop specializing on marketing and professional nourishment. Chicken Biryani is stunning and becomes even more so in the template, emphasizing the essence of the mouth-watering equipment. All the different designation elements make the offering stand out with a 25% discount while being visually appealing. The dish captures interest of customers with an irresistible offer.

Technical Specifications:

  • File Type: PSD
  • Resolution: 1080 x 1080 pixels
  • Unit Measurements: 300 DPI
  • Color Mode: RGB
  • Organized layers for easy editing: Yes
  • Smart Object Support: Yes
  • Editable Text Layers: Yes

Quality Highlights: The template features high resolution images and well structure layout to guarantee their impact and clarity. The stunning colors and bold typography was made to grab attention making these templates ideal for marketing intending to showcase mouth-watering dishes. Nourishment branding becomes made easier by these adaptable templates due to their organized layer structure.

Compatibility: Users with Adobe Photoshop CS6 and subsequent versions have access to these templates.


This can be modified easily on Windows and Mac which makes it available for all creative users. Technical Specifications

  • Category: Templates
  • Subcategory: Photoshop Templates
  • Format: Professional Digital Asset
  • Source: Marketplace
  • Quality: Professional Grade

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